PC Services: Repairs, Upgrades, Cleanings & More
Desktop PCs and laptops both welcome!
We keep it simple: $80/hr, quoted in advance.

What Our Customers Are Saying
Why Choose Monsoon PCs over Best Buy for PC Service
It should be a no-brainer to avoid big-box stores like Best Buy for PC service and repairs. They’ll overcharge, underdeliver, or even outright refuse to help you out.
Small shops like Monsoon PCs will save you money, bring decades of experience to the table, and virtually never turn down a challenge.
But don’t take our word for it – Linus “secret-shopped” a few Best Buys and learned some of these lessons the hard way, while discovering the small local shop provided the best service.
Don’t have time to watch the video above (or can’t stand Linus’s voice)?
Here are 3 big reasons to choose a local PC repair shop over Best Buy’s Geek Squad for your computer’s service needs.
1) Best Buy is Grossly Overpriced
The markup for service at big PC and electronic stores like Best Buy is massive – and they have to be, just look at their overhead! Monsoon PCs is a small, lean local computer business with a passion for helping people with their PCs. We’ve kept our overhead lean so we can keep our prices affordable for our local Chandler and Phoenix area customers. Plus, we’ll back up any diagnostic fee you pay us with a 100% money-back guarantee!
2) Best Buy Staff Usually Lacks Experience
If you were a skilled PC technician, would you work for just $15-20/hr, knowing your employer is marking up your services more than 10X your rate? Probably not for very long. Best Buy is usually a springboard for junior PC techs, and their inability to solve issues properly speaks for itself. Check out any Best Buy’s Geek Squad’s Google Reviews. In contrast, small PC shops like Monsoon PCs tend to have both a wealth of experience and a strong desire to help out customers.
3) Best Buy Has Limited Service Options
It’s not uncommon for Best Buy to either be unable to or outright refuse to work on a computer – whether it’s an older system or an expensive custom gaming PC. Due to their mainstream-restricted inventory, they often can’t supply the parts necessary to fix many PCs’ needs, as they’ll usually only use their own components. They’re also known to decline diagnosing or working on expensive setups due to fear that their inexperienced techs will damage something expensive.
PC Repairs & Troubleshooting
Starting at $80 (1hr) for a diagnostic
Having issues with your desktop or laptop? Whether the issue is hardware-related or software-induced, we’ll figure out a solution or your money back!
We charge a flat fee of $80 to diagnose a system. We can solve the majority of our customers’ issues within this short timeframe (1hr) at no additional cost, but if we need more time and/or parts, we’ll give you an estimate for the work.
Your diagnostic fee of $80 will go towards any additional repair cost – or optionally, it can instead be put towards a full system upgrade.
Physical Computer Cleanings
Currently FREE!
Is your system running slow after years of heavy use? If you haven’t been maintaining its internals for cleanliness, and especially if you live in a household with pets, your poor PC could definitely use some TLC. It is very likely choked with dust and dander, running excessively hot, and the lifespan of components could be shortened. Bring it by and we’ll give it a thorough cleaning!
We’ll dust and wipe the interior, removing any applicable components for detailed external cleanings, and ensure your system has optimal airflow and convection again – and make any recommendations on routine maintenance moving forward!
Custom PCs: BYOC (Bring Your Own Components)
Starting at $320 (4hrs)
Want to provide all of your own custom PC build components and have us assemble and test your new gaming rig (or power user workstation) for you? Bring it on!
Once we approve your parts as compatible and reasonably paired, you can drop off the parts and we’ll assemble your new build, update its BIOS and OS to the latest versions, configure settings, tune fans, and run it through a suite of benchmarks and stress tests to ensure everything is working as-expected, while making sure we get the best performance
Just like our in-house custom builds, we also offer free live streaming of any BYOC builds.
Build time estimates can vary depending on the case and components chosen, so we’ll need to get more information from you in order to give you a firm quote on the labor.
All of our labor is backed by our lifetime warranty.
General Hourly PC Services
$80/hr, billed in 15m increments
Have a computer need that isn’t explicitly defined here on our service page? We’ll do what we can to help – just get in touch and provide us with as much information as you can.
If for some reason we can’t help, we’ll do what we can to provide you with our recommendations for next steps to solve your issue(s).